Just Ingredients

Wellness & Nutrition

Just Ingredients was founded by Karalynne Call, who turned her personal health journey into a business in 2018. After struggling with depression and ineffective traditional medicine, she focused on nutrition and toxin elimination. The brand offers health products made from high-quality ingredients, emphasizing transparency and safety, which has attracted a loyal customer base. So much so that they’ve scaled to doing over 100,000 orders each month.

Stuck in a spreadsheets

We got to sit down this Julie, who manages the whole support team at Just Ingredients, to hear about their experience moving things onto Redo. And, when Julie started, the team was still running all their returns through a host of spreadsheets.

“The whole process was entirely manual, and managed from a massive spreadsheet. Our team was spending hours upon hours managing returns, and literally copy-pasting from one tool to another. It was completely inefficient.”

A real return platform

So when Redo showed up on the scene it was a big change for the better. Where before they were spending the majority of their time on returns, with Redo they were able to start saving time, and improving visibility.

“We’ve graduated from that old process and really lean into the automations. Our team is spending 7 mins or less per return, including restocking it.”

Additionally, the team has kept close track of their return rates, citing that with an easier way for customers to return, it’s easy to worry that you’ll see a lot more returns. But that hasn’t been the case at all.

“We are still way below our target return rate. We make a really great product, and the return option is very reassuring to our customers. It makes the buying decision much easier.”

Combining software and digging into the details

After starting on Returns, the team decided to move off their previous shipping protection product, and onto Redo Protection.

“Having all our returns and claims in the same platform just makes sense.”

Now with two big portions of their support team functions in one platform, the data they have at their fingertips is a big improvement.

“Being able to dig into the details and see what products are being returned, and at what rate, is a massive benefit to Redo. Combine that with our claims, and we know a lot more than we ever could before.”

Working with Redo

Julie and her team are growing an incredible business, and are super aware of what it means to take care of their customers.

“The Redo team is so good about hearing our ideas and working through any issues we are experiencing. This kind of access to the team behind a tool like Redo is unheard of.”